Friday, December 19, 2008
Dunlap Nursing and Rehab Center Christmas Caroling
Wow, I better catch you all up on what I have been up to since Ft. Madison. Appearance slowed down, and it was time to focus on school. I went to Aleigh's Send Off fashion show and saw all of her amazing and gorgeous clothes! Now that I am home for Christmas break I am getting ready to finish out my year as Miss Teen Rodeo Iowa. Last night mom, dad, and I braved the oncoming weather to visit Dunlap's Nursing and Rehabilitation Center for Christmas Caroling. Vincent Leinin originally from this area, but now from California, sets it all up. People from all over Southwest Iowa came together and sang for the residents. Cookies were served afterwards, but we had to head out because the ice storm had begun. I had so much fun singing a collection of Christmas favorites. I hope everyone is staying warm and getting ready for the Holiday Season. Have a very Merry Christmas!
Monday, September 15, 2008
Tri-State Rodeo, Ft. Madison, Iowa
It doesn't seem like a year now since I was in the boots of the lovely ladies competing for a title! I left Wednesday morning after one of my classes to meet dad near Des Moines to make the trip our annual trip to Ft. Madison. We had Tankers and Cosmo(previously) Cupcake, for Miss Sidney Iowa Rodeo, in tow. That was the first trip with two horses in the trailer, very exciting. Once we got there we unloaded ALL of my clothes and 'junk' to the hotel room. Obviously I still need to work on my packing skills, Amanda, I just didn't quite learn! Once we did that, we took the horses to settle them in and get the trailer parked and plugged in. I started getting ready for the Wednesday night performance which was Tough Enough to Wear Pink night! Tank looks so good in pink! After the rodeo dad decided to stay the week in the trailer so Aleigh and I headed back to the hotel.
Thursday morning I headed out to watch the very exciting Miss Rodeo Iowa 2009 horsemanship competition in the rain! After that we got all cleaned up and headed to eat lunch. Shortly after lunch Aleigh and I headed to a nearby school, to visit with the students and sign some autographs. Before we knew it, it was time for the Thursday night performance. Gizmo, Boyd, Corey, and the Cervi crew were all there again, I felt like I really knew them! After the rodeo we headed back to the hotel again, the Miss Teen Rodeo Iowa 2009 competitors were there, and we had a short dance practice! Some cowgirls just aren't meant to dance, and unfortunately, I am one of them. However, the other girls did a great job! After dance practice we headed to bed.
Friday morning was the Miss Teen Rodeo Iowa horsemanship competition, which went outstanding for the contestants! I am glad they didn't watch me set the pattern too closely because Tankers had eaten his Wheaties that morning and was raring to go, literally! After horsemanship it was time for the grueling interviews. Only kidding, they all came out with a smile! Shortly after that it was time for the speeches. I must say, the teen contestants blew me off my feet! They all did an amazing job. Aleigh and I even had a chance to talk about our years. Some how I managed to talk fast enough to get it all in. A new thing this year, was that the MTRI contestants got to go out to eat with the MRI contestants, judges, Paula, Bobbie, Jessie, Aleigh, and I. Then we headed back out to the rodeo grounds for the third performance of the week. Aleigh and I were joined by Carly Hagey, Miss Rodeo Illinois 2008, chasing out and carrying sponsor flags for the night. After the rodeo we headed back to do a little more dancing and modeling practice.
Saturday morning came bright and early with a parade! Morgan Marshall, Miss Rodeo Sidney, joined all of the contestants, Carly, Aleigh, and myself for the parade! Once that was over we headed back for our final dance practice, I could have used a hundred more if time would have allowed. Then we all went to our rooms to get gorgeous for the fashion show. Again, all of the contestants did a fabulous job, looked great, dance beautifuly! They surprisingly gave the microphone back to me for my fair well speech! With such great sponsors, supporters, committees, and family it was hard to get everyone in! Congrats to Lindsey, Miss Rodeo Iowa 2009 and Shelby Miss Teen Rodeo Iowa 2009. Right after we crowned our replacements, we went to a local nursing home to met with the residents, and maybe brighten their day. After a quick stop at Taco John's, Aleigh and I were hungry, we headed to the last night of the Tri-State Rodeo. Lindsey, Carly, Shelby, Aleigh, and I took turns chasing out and carrying flags! I had such a great time with all of the girls that week, and wish it could have lasted a little longer!
Thank you to everyone that has made my year such a success! I couldn't possibly have enough gratitude for all that has been done for me! Another big thank you to my sponsors! It made my year so much easier to know that many of my expenses were taken care of! Lastly, thank you to my parents. I don't know how many miles you drove me, how many dollars you spent on me, how many times you tightened my saddle so I wouldn't have to get off in my tight pants, and so much else you did for me. Without you I couldn't have had the amazing experience! I have a few appearances left this year, and after that, this won't be the last you hear from me!
Pictures are here!
Pictures are here!
Dayton PRCA Rodeo

Hello All! Hope you are enjoying the early signs of fall! It has been a crazy first couple weeks of school, so I am glad to finally get a moment to catch you up on my Labor Day weekend in Dayton, Iowa. Right after classes I head to Dayton, where my wonderful parents met me with the truck, trailer, and Tankers. I was honored to be parked right next to the arena with all of the big names, Gizmo, Corey Wall, Boyd, and of course the Cervi crew. Thank you so much to Kris Fleener for arranging all of that for me! I had such a blast being introduced, doing a hot lap on Tankers, riding in the grand entry, and chasing out with the Dayton queens! A huge thank you to Karen Madsen for getting some great action photos that weekend! No offense dad, but you might be out of work when she takes my pictures. They took the one of my queens run and me helping with the mutton busting. I might have to say that the picture of my queens run might be my favorite! Tankers loves to go. The entire weekend I was so entertained with Gizmo's acts and hanging around behind the scence with the entire Dayton Rodeo Committee. They had a great parade turn out on Monday, which I was honored to ride in. A big thank you to everyone who helped me out and made my first Dayton experience such a great one!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Miss Teen Rodeo Iowa 2009
Congratulations to Shelby Chapman of Adel, Iowa. She is Miss Teen Rodeo Iowa 2009.
During the pageant held Sept. 5 & 6 in Fort Madison, Iowa, Shelby also won the horsemanship award. Kara Telfer of Underwood, IA was named first runner up along with winning the speech award, photogenics, Larry Roberts Rodeo Spirit award and Miss Congeniality.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Nevada, Iowa Lincoln Highway Days

After a busy week in Ames doing recruitment for my sorority, Pi Beta Phi, I made the short trek to Nevada for their annual Lincoln Highway Days and rodeo. Heartland Rodeo Company was the stock contractor. Dad drove Tankers down and I met them there. With perfect weather, John and Jeep put on a great show, with tons of contestants. My highlight of the weekend happened on Saturday night however...I got to ride on a stage coach! Not once, not twice, but for several short trips! I was even on when there was four horses! Both nights of rodeo I got to chase back cattle with one of the pick-up men, Glen. Tank even walked away this weekend with a brand new bronc halter, but of course it has some pink rhinestones on it. I was very excited to have some of my Iowa State friends come to watch Saturday too. Thank you to everyone who made my Nevada trip so fun! A HUGE thanks to my dad for bringing my horse up and helping get him ready.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Headed to Missouri
I moved back to Ames the week of the 11th, so dad came through to pick me up on our way to Downing, Missouri. Once we got there we walked around and set up. Once I was all ready to go I headed up on Tank to warm him up. I was so honored to get to be so involved: carrying the American Flag, leading grand entry, chasing out, helping with the kids event, and doing the closing ceremonies. The Downing Rodeo Committe was so great, and so welcoming! If you ever have a chance to visit their rodeo, go for it. During the day Saturday, dad and I had a chance to catch up on all of the olympic events, clean a saddle, catch up on quite a bit of scrap booking, and even sneak in a little nap! Time just flew by, because soon enough I was back up to the arena warming up. There was two awesome nights for rodeo again this weekend. The weather was gorgeous, the crowd was fantastic, and the livestock were intense. Thank you to the Heartland Rodeo Company for letting me be such a big part of their rodeo, and the Downing Rodeo Committee for being so kind! I hope to come back and visit that rodeo.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
State Fair - Cowgirl Queen and Steer Show

I can't believe August is already here and it is State Fair time! On the 8th, we headed down in the morning for the Cowgirl Queen contest. I had the day to walk around, see the fair, and meet my steer for the Governor's Celebrity Steer Show. Soon enough, it was time for me to start getting ready for the Cowgirl Queen contest. Aleigh rode Tank in for the National Anthem, then I jumped on to warm him up. I happened to be in the third go of the senior division, so I had a while to wait. I had a chance to visit with a lot of the crowd sitting out side watching all of the gorgeous girls warming up their horses. They helped pass my time! Once we got to go in, Tank did an amazing job! I couldn't been more proud of him, we picked up the correct leads, had a pretty and slow trot, and had a decent head set! I didn't make the cut, but there were tons of great girls, and great riders. After that was all over, I went and stayed with my sister in West Des Moines. Saturday I got up bright and early to head back to the fairgrounds. I walked around for awhile, met the family I was showing the steer for, and headed to the Iowa Horse Council booth to sign autographs and visit with people. After I changed into what I was wearing to show, we went and visited with everyone around the biggest bull and celebrity steers. I even got to help 'fit' the steer, O'Malley. Next thing I know we were walking into the pavillion, with just me holding a 1400 pound steer in one arm and a pink show stick in the other! O'Malley did awesome! Everyone was surprised I have never shown a steer, let alone led one before! I was so confident in my showing skills, and it paid off when I was announced Showmanship winner. That was my proudest moment this summer! I couldn't wipe the smile off my face even once I was out of the show arena. Congrats to all of the other celebrities showing! I am glad to report that the sale, benefiting the Ronald McDonald House foundations, did so well! It was such an awseome experience!
Sidney and Carson PRCA Rodeos

On July 29th, I made the 2 hour trek to Sidney for the Sidney Rodeo and Miss Sidney Iowa Rodeo queen contest. Before I went and met up with everyone, I backed my own trailer in! Then I was picked up and headed to downtown Sidney. Then Holly Soucie, Lindsey Arenholtz, Aleigh Beahm, and I headed to the rodeo grounds for a radio interview, and then back to the Miss Sidney Iowa Rodeo competition. The girls gave some great speeches and did such a great job modeling. I am glad I wasn't a judge! It was great to see so many past Miss Rodeo Sidneys there as well! After that portion of the pageant we walked up the street to the museum and the drug store. It was so neat to see all of the history of Sidney, Iowa. There must be something with me and rain, because about parade time it started raining. All of the contestants, Lindsey Arenholtz (Miss Rodeo Aksarben), Aleigh Beahm (Miss Rodeo Iowa), Rachel Bergen (Miss Rodeo ISU), and myself tried covering our hats and outfits, but soon discovered it was just as fun in the rain. Thank goodness for Rachel Bergen, who rode beside me during most of the parade, because good old Tankers decided he wanted to put on a show! Next it was the much anticipated coronation, congrats to Morgan for winning Miss Sidney Iowa Rodeo 2009. Before we knew it, it was rodeo time. I was honored to get to chase out with Morgan and be in the arena! We also helped with mutton busting and then had a chance to sit back and enjoy the best sport on dirt. On Wednesday I helped Morgan get ready for her pictures, went with them for that and then ate lunch with her and Kim Skillet. Tankers and I spent some quality time together too, since he had some time off in early July! Then it was rodeo time, where I chased out, helped with the mutton busting, and kicked back and enjoyed the rodeo. Thursday, I had a little time before I needed to head to Carson. It was great to catch up with her and talk about some of our awesome summer adventures. I also got the call about the Governor's Charity Steer Show here too! After Aleigh and I had lunch it was off to Carson for me. Once in Carson, Dave, was nice enough to back my trailer in for me, because there wasn't quite as much room as in Sidney. I got all settled in and ready for the rodeo. Before the rodeo started I took time to visit the hospitality tent which was awesome!! For the grand entry I was a post, riding one of the stock contractors beautiful black and white paint horses. Then it was back to Tankers for a queens run. The rest of the night I chased out and helped with the many mutton busters! I even got to carry event sponsor flags! Tank got a work out but we loved every minute of it. The next two nights I was joined by Lindsey Arenholtz and we shared the duties! Friday night, Amanda Eason came and stayed with me to be my chaperone! We hung out in the trailer and watched a movie...until Amanda fell asleep!! Saturday they had a parade, in which Lindsey and I rode in. It was so neat, because you ride up one side of main street and down the other! Then it was rodeo time! I was honored to get to carry the American flag during the National Anthem. With more chasing out and mutton busting it made for a very full week! A huge thank you to the Carson Rodeo committee! Also to the judges who made my weekend so much fun! I even learned the story behind of their nicknames, "Chillidog"! This was for sure one of my most memorable weeks!
Lenox, Iowa Rodeo

Right from Centerville, we headed to a tropical storm! It was pouring rain when we stopped in Creston for a radio interview, where I met Katie Stark, the reigning Miss Rodeo Lenox. From the radio station we continued in the heavy rain to Lenox, where it looked as if the Miss Rodeo Lenox contestants for 2009, we going to get soaked in horsemanship. Their schedule was changed a bit, in hopes the rain would at least slow down. I was honored to be at there luncheon, get to model, and even tell a little bit about my year. Once the rain slowed down they hurried to get horsemanship done. The four wonderful contestants for Miss Rodeo Lenox 2009 were: Courtney Stark, Suzzette Walker, Lakoda Kelber, and Kara Telfer. Congrats to Courtney Stark, you will represent them well. A huge thank you to Heather Beck and the rest of the Lenox Rodeo Committee for everything, especially the showers at the high school! It is no wonder that they have been named Rodeo of the Year so many times!
Heartland Rodeo - Centerville, Iowa

Without wasting another minute being ill, my dad and I headed to Centerville Iowa. During the Appanoose County Fair, Hearland Rodeo Company puts on a rodeo. With time during the day, it is great to check out their county fair and view all of their exhibits. Little did I know during their cattle show, that it would be the last chance I had to watch cattle be shown before I headed to State Fair for the Governor's Celebrity Steer Show! My favorite part of this rodeo, however, was the trick riders! For some reason it inspired me to want to trick ride. All I want for Christmas, at least right now, is a trick riding saddle. Mom, however, is not sold on the idea....yet! John and Jeep did a great job, and they drew an awesome crowd. They put on a spectacular performance both nights!
Extreme Bulls - Red Oak and Bedford, Iowa

Wow, I finally have time to catch you all up on how the rest of my summer is going! After my stay in the hospital, it took no time at all for me to be back on my feet and in my cowboy boots. July 18th (my dad's birthday), we headed to Red Oak, Iowa for one of the Extreme Bull Tour stops. The show, put on my Todd Crase and his crew, was awesome as usual. Another great thing about them is, they put on a 50/50 raffle with all the proceds going to breast cancer awarness. Last year they raised well over $4,000 dollars! I was lucky to be joined by the Montgomery County Fair royalty as well. The next night we traveled to Bedford, Iowa, where again I was surrounded by the Taylor County Fair royalty. I helped sell raffle tickets, and between the two nights we raised over $600! A HUGE thank you to Todd Crase for letting me come to his events, they are such a blast, and if you ever have the chance I would recommend you go and watch!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
July is flying by!
Well, I have decided to catch you all up on why I haven't been anywhere yet in July! On the morning of July 3rd, I was at work like normal (at a vet clinic), and I was out on a call with one of the veterinarians, when all of a sudden I started sweating and I got severe stomach pains. I was rushed to the nearest emergency room. Well, after several hours, tests, x-rays, cat scans, etc., I was taken to another larger hospital. I was there for only a few minutes when the doctor decided it would be best if I were take to Clarkson Hospital in Omaha. At that point I was very bummed because I wasn't going to make it to the Exira rodeo, but I was determined to be at the next weeks events. After much pain, more tests, and an MRI, I was diagnosed with Pancreatitus. The doctors made it very clear that I wouldn't be making it to rodeos anytime soon. Long story short, I spent 12 days in Omaha. I am happy to report, that my family and I got home yesterday afternoon. I can't thank my parents enough for sticking it through with me at the hospital. Thank you to everyone for the cards, flowers, visits, gifts, thoughts, and prayers. I can't wait to hit the rodeo road again! Hope to see you all this weekend at Extreme Bulls!
Monday, June 30, 2008
Lake City, Iowa Heartland Rodeo
Right after getting back from Mexico we headed to Lake City, Iowa for their annual rodeo. This was a big rodeo for my family because it was our first trip in my(our!) new trailer. We got there Saturday in time for the parade, where I rode with the Top Rail Saddle Club. I was honored to be surrounded by more royalty, sisters, Genelle and Ashely Holly. Genelle is the Top Rail Saddle Club Senior Queen, and Ashley is the Top Rail Saddle Club Junior Queen. After the parade we had sometime to hang out and relax, but before I knew it, it was rodeo time. Heartland Rodeo Company provided the stock, and they put on a spectacular show. The specailty act was the Dusty and Rawhide show. Dusty rode Rawhide all the way to the top of the trailer and was very handy with the bull whip. It was amazing! Ashley Holly and I had the chance to chase out Saturday, and Genelle and I did Sunday night. Except for a little rain on Saturday is was an awesome rodeo weekend. A huge thank you to everyone in Lake City that helped me out and to those that helped put on the rodeo.
Miss Dallas County Fair Rodeo Queen
On Friday, June, 20th, my mom Deb and I headed down to Adel for the first annual Miss Dallas county Fair Rodeo Queen pageant. There were two great contestants running this year: Kara Telfer and Shelby Chapman. I was honored to judge this tough competition. Callie McCauley, this pageant coordinator, did an amazing job! Congrats to Callie for a wonderful pageant and to Shelby Chapman for capturing the title. Unfortunately I couldn't stick around for the rodeo Friday night, because I was leaving for my family vacation in Mexico! I hope everyone had a great time and enjoyed the rodeo! Shelby, I hope to see you at some more rodeos this summer!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Illinois High School Rodeo Finals

On June 12th, Paula, her friend Sue, and myself made the trek to the Illinois High School Rodeo Finals to judge the Miss Illinois High School Rodeo 2008-2009 pageant. We had a great trip out there despite the rain and near flooding. When we arrived we watched the first rodeo performance before heading to the hotel for the night. It was an early start on Friday for interviews of the four lovely contestants. Then we were off to lunch in a nearby town. After lunch we had a little time before horsemanship. Luckily we avoided the rain for the horsemanship portion. Before we knew it, it was time for the second performance where I was lucky enough to ride in the grand entry, along with Miss Rodeo Illinois 2008, Carly Ray Hagey. If you get the chance be sure to check out her new chaps, they are gorgeous! After the rodeo it was time to hit the hay. Saturday we got up in time to visit the delicious breakfast served on the rodeo grounds just before the modeling, speech, and improptu portion of the competition. After breakfast we were ready to hear the speeches and watch the girls strut their stuff. Soon after the judging was finished Paula, Sue, and I had to hit the road again, because of flooding we took a slight detour through Missouri since I-80 was closed. Congratulations to all of the girls on a job well done and to the new queen, Chelsea Demott. Also congratulations to all of the IHSRA contestants that made it to state finals, and best of luck to all of those going to nationals!
Monday, June 2, 2008

This last weekend I headed north to Cherokee for their PRCA rodeo. Aleigh and I arrived at about the same time and got our horses all settled in then parked the trailers for the weekend. A huge thanks to Aleigh for backing my trailer in! I am praciticing, but it was taking way too long! Then we got settled into the hotel and headed to HyVee to sign autographs and meet with the community. Next I watched the Miss Cherokee Rodeo Horsemanship before getting ready for the performance. Thursday was a rainy night, with a smaller crowd. All anyone could do is hope for better weather for the weekend. Friday we attended Chamber Coffee, where I was honored to meet Bob Barnes and Tommie Turvie. Then Aleigh, Dani Jo Lange (Miss Rodeo Cherokee 2007), the queen contestants, and myself, along with Kristin Weiland (one of the Cherokee Rodeo board members) headed to the local radio station for interviews. Just before lunch we stopped by and visited one of the Cherokee nursing homes. From there we headed straight to the queens luncheon. Aleigh and I sat right across from Tommie Turvey, and had the chance to ask him about his travels and amazing training skills. I then had some free time to check out Bits and Pieces for a little shopping! Then i went to City Hall for the Miss Cherokee Rodeo interviews. It really gave me a chance to sit down and chat with the contestants, and even answer any questions they had for me. Before we knew it, it was time to crown the next Miss Cherokee Rodeo. Congrats to Jessica! For some kids entertainment there was a calf scramble, then they got the queens involved. I was chased down by one of the calves, and have the bruises to prove it! Then it was rodeo time! Friday had a little rain, but was much drier then Thursday! It was another great show put on by the Barnes family. Saturday morning we got up and helped out at the Exceptional Rodeo. The Exceptional Rodeo is a 'mini' rodeo put on for some special contestants to get a taste of the rodeo world. There was roping, bull riding, goat tying, and horse riding station. At the end each contestant won a trophy! This whole experience made it worth while. I met some very special people, Dick (aka Roy Rogers!), Bruce, Kelly, and so many more! This is something I will never forget. Aleigh and I went straight to lunch at the Depot (once we stopped and asked for directions!). It was parade time! There was such a great crowd turn out and beautiful weather! Aleigh and I found a few minutes after the parade to make a Dairy Queen Trip with our parents for a little cool down and then were headed straight back to the rodeo grounds to get ready for the final performance. Saturday was gorgeous weather, sold out crowd, and a great rodeo. Tommie Turvey was the entertainment and the Barnes had excellent stock. After the show and autograph signing we packed up and headed home! A huge thanks to the Cherokee Rodeo Board, and especially Kristin Weiland for showing us around. Another thanks to Al Landa for helping out Thursday and Friday when my parents weren't there! Everyone was so helpful and friendly, Thanks!
Tivoli Fest

On May 25th, I had the short drive to Elk Horn, Iowa for the anual Tivoli Fest Parade. I was honored to ride in the parade, it was so nice to see so many people along the route that I knew. After the parade I had the chance to visit with several people, and chow down on some delicious 'ebleskiver', which, to me, is just like a small round pancake. It was a great time and had beautiful weather!
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Nevada, Iowa Preschool visit
So much has happened since I last posted! I finished my first year at Iowa State University, which is very exciting! I got an internship at the Audubon-Manning Veterinary Clinic (AMVC) in Audubon, Iowa, in a veterinary techinician-like position. I moved back home to the farm, I missed the smell of the animals and the fresh air! Right after I finished finals I headed to the preschool in Nevada for the day. It was 'Rodeo' themed week, and what better then to have some real life cowboys and cowgirls stop by for a visit. Earlier in the week they had the cowboy, so it was my turn. I took in my gorgeous chaps, pictures of Tank (Tankers), and was all decked out which made their day. I greeted the kids at the door then went around to each individual group and told them what I do, and allowed time for some very interesting questions. Many of the students asked what I ate, where I lived, where my horse was, if I rode Tank there, etc. One little boy told me all about his mouth wash even! Kids say the darnest things I guess. I was lucky enough to walk away with over twenty drawings, and a button! A huge thank you to all the teachers, teachers aides, the principal, and the students and their parents. They showed me Nevada and gave me an excellent lunch from a local resturant. I am getting all geared up for the rodeo season to be in full swing. I will be in Elk Horn, Iowa this weekend for the Tivoli Fest Parade, hope to see you there! Enjoy this beautiful weather!
Monday, April 28, 2008
Tuff-N-Nuff Rodeo
The weekend after the Iowa Horse Fair I headed to Fort Dodge for the Tuff-N-Nuff Rodeo put on by Johnny, Peggy, and Levi Hopkins. When I arrived Friday after my classes, Johnny, Sean "Boom Boom" Thompson, and the other bull fighters, headed to the local feed store to sign autographs and meet fellow rodeo fans. After that we headed to the rodeo grounds. I was Peggy's go-to-girl helping out with whatever she needed. Between handing out programs, greeting people, helping with the stick horse race or sheep scramble, doing raffle drawings, or throwing out shirts it was a busy weekend. Some of my friends from school even made the drive to watch a great rodeo! I was there both Friday and Saturday nights and they put on a great, family oriented show. A huge thanks to Johnny, Peggy, and Levi, you guys made this a great experience for me!
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Iowa Horse Fair

What an eventful weekend this has been in Des Moines at the Iowa Horse Fair! Friday after my classes I headed to the state fair grounds for the weekend. I met up with Bobbie Hinds in the Varied Industries building and signed autographs while visiting with people. Then I headed over to the horse barns to help my dad get Tankers (Tank) ready to carry the American Flag during the beginning of the Bulls and Barrels event. Tuff-N-Nuff Rodeo is put on by Johnny, Peggy and Levi Hopkins. They are such nice people and put on a great show. Saturday night it was said that they broke attendance in the Pavillion for their event! I hope to see them down the rodeo road. Aftert the National Anthem Aleigh Beahm and I (who both just celebrated birthdays!) walked around and chatted it up with the crowd. Saturday we were back bright and early, ready for another very funfilled day. We started out the day in the Varied Industries building. After lunch we made queens runs in the Pavillion on the very excited Tankers. In the afternoon Aleigh and I divided up, she went to judge the grooming team while I was incharge of the stick horse contest. A huge thanks to the Iowa Buckskin Queen, National Buckskin Queen, Miss URA, and Suzy Fife, Miss Teen Rodeo Lenox for helping me out with all of the cowboys and cowgirls. We had the contestants run a barrel pattern which was very entertaining! Right after that I had to leave for the day to attend my sisters Senior Recital at Simpson College. Aleigh and I were back at it Sunday morning, but we started out the morning doing a little shopping. We enjoyed the day with visiting royalty as you can see in my picture. I was also honored to get my picture with Scott England. He is an amazing singer from Georgia, getting his first taste of the horse world! The Iowa Horse Council put on an amazing horse fair and did a great job! Another thanks for Johnny and Peggy Hopkins for letting me ride before their bulls and barrels! Get ready because rodeo season is right around the corner! Stay warm!
Monday, March 24, 2008
Miss URA 2008 Coronation
Hello All! After a busy, but fun Spring Break I headed to Hamilton, Missouri with the one and only Paula Jameson for the Miss URA coronation. I met Paula at her house, and we finsished the drive together. A huge congrats to Amy Hudlemeyer, Miss United Rodeo Association 2008. She had a very successful evening, with some amazing cooking by her grandma! Amy and her mother put on a great coronation, and I hope to be seeing her down the road this summer! Well, it is time to study more, but I am getting very excited to get into the full swing of things, starting with the Iowa Horse Fair in April. I hope to see you all there.
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Flying February!

Hello all! I can't believe that it is already March, February just flew on by! During the month of February I attended the Shelby County Cattlemen's Banquet and the Miss Rodeo Iowa Clinic. The Cattlemen's Banquet was very successful all around. I was honored to be one of sixteen to earn a scholarship, and they also sponsored me for Miss Teen Rodeo Iowa. I walked around with auction items, and trophies for next year's county fair cattle show, and spent the evening talking to everyone since I hadn't been around home for a while.

The next weekend I didn't have to leave my college 'home town' of Ames for the Miss Rodeo Iowa Clinic. This year the clinic was led by Megan Wiemold and Amanda Eason, both former Miss Rodeo Iowa title holders. Several former and current title holders were present, along with several commitee members. Bobbie Hinds and Paula Jameson made the trek to Ames, even with the oncoming snow. I had a great time with all of the Illinois girls, and may have even influenced a future Cyclone! Megan and Amanda did a great job! I learned so much in two days! I came home for the weekend, which allowed time for me to catch up and let you all know what I have been up to. I hope you enjoy March(I do, my birthday is the 28th)!
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Welcome Home Tyler!

Last night I was honored to be a guest at Tyler Ford's welcome home party after he spent several months in the hospital recovering from Guillain-Baare Syndrome. Aleigh Beahm (MRI) and I surprised Tyler before all of the guests arrived. Tyler sold us for dances, and we were able to help raise more money for his ongoing medical expenses! He is an amazing young man (and a Cyclone fan), and I want to wish him the best in his recovery! A big thanks to Paula for setting this up for us. 

Iowa Horse Council Annual Meeting
The day after the clinic, I attended the Iowa Horse Council Annual Meeting, right here in Ames! I helped hand out door prizes, was involved with discussion groups, and helped with check in. I liked it so much, I became a member of the Iowa Horse Council. They are such a great organization that encompass all aspects of Iowa's vast equine industry.

A huge thanks to Sally Blount, who took me under her wing for the day, and made sure I felt right at home! Sally was a judge at the Miss Rodeo Iowa 2008 pageant.

IHC President Bill Paynter
Miss Dallas County Fair Rodeo Queen Clinic

On January 12th I had the opportunity to attend the Miss Dallas County Fair Rodeo Queen Clinic. It was put on by Callie McCauley, and she did an amazing job! Lindsey Arenholtz (Miss Rodeo Aksarben) was also there to lend a helping hand. We went over the basics of a pageant and answered any questions they had. It was so much fun. I wish all of those girls the best of luck in their rodeo queen adventures!
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Coronation 2008

Hello everyone,
This is my first post, so we will see how it goes! Wow, 2008 is already flying by, it is already the end of January! I kick started my year in Dunlap, being crowned Miss Teen Rodeo Iowa 2008, along with Aleigh Beahm, Miss Rodeo Iowa 2008. There was an amazing turn out, and I would like to thank everyone that could make it! I even had friends from make the long drive to come! There were several other royalty there: Amanda Eason (MRI '07), Suzette Walker (MTRI '07), Lindsey Arenholtz, Caitlin Wilkerson, Hollie Soucie, Katie Stark, Carly Hagey, Amy Hudlemeyer, Charity Howk, and Suzie Fife. Again thank you to everyone that came and made that night such a success. In the picture I am with Charlotte Lotenschtein before I was crowned. Well I am off to class, but check back soon and I fill you in on what I have been up to so far!
This is my first post, so we will see how it goes! Wow, 2008 is already flying by, it is already the end of January! I kick started my year in Dunlap, being crowned Miss Teen Rodeo Iowa 2008, along with Aleigh Beahm, Miss Rodeo Iowa 2008. There was an amazing turn out, and I would like to thank everyone that could make it! I even had friends from make the long drive to come! There were several other royalty there: Amanda Eason (MRI '07), Suzette Walker (MTRI '07), Lindsey Arenholtz, Caitlin Wilkerson, Hollie Soucie, Katie Stark, Carly Hagey, Amy Hudlemeyer, Charity Howk, and Suzie Fife. Again thank you to everyone that came and made that night such a success. In the picture I am with Charlotte Lotenschtein before I was crowned. Well I am off to class, but check back soon and I fill you in on what I have been up to so far!
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